I realised the kitchen has a lot of reflective surfaces offering a number of HNT possibilities. Depending which way I stand I could expose different nekkid bits on different surfaces. Anyway nuff said, "Tea is served"
To find out why I do this click the image below.
Posted by
Just Brian
Thursday, December 08, 2005
:) This is SO you. Love the pic Furzl.
Happy HNT.
Wow! Very artsy... and strangly I'm now hungry too! Cheers and happy HNT!
Do you need some help carrying that tray? I can take it off your hands if you'd like. HHNT.
I want some tea, can you hand the tray this way? ;-)
Oooh, now i am craving tea and cake. :)
Happy HNT!
Mmm I could do with some tea too.
Happy HNT!
Claps..nicely done....very good! Happy HNT!
That's what I call service!
Happy HNT
I'll take mine sweetened please!
Cool pic! Happy HNT!
Very nicely done. HHNT!
I hope one of those are mine
Tea for two and two for tea ... HHNT Furzl
I love this. You ARE always in the kitchen at parties....
Thanks for the tea and biscuits Furzl. :)
happy hnt
Happy HNT
Very cool picture! Happy HNT!
Happy HNT!
Awww.tea for two in bed???? Loving it!
Excellent! So the Butler did do it! HHNT!
breakfast/lunch/dinner of champions.
looks so good.
what kind of cookies.
Chip Ahoy?
cheers HAPPY HNT!!!
Fun pic! Are you serving coffee too? No wait, I'll get it myself, don't want anything dangling into my drink. Happy HNT!
I love reflective shots... great pic and awesome imagination! :)
Now... just lift the tray higher next time. *wink*
Happt HNT.
may i have some tea please? its so dark i can hardly see whats holding up the tray. happy HNT.
Very creative! Happy HNT!
lots of sugar and cream for me, please :)
happy HNT, hon.
Very nice, I do like tea...
I love tea...plain & simple...I'd pay to have you serve it to me (new business Idea?).
Happy HNT.
BTW...the Pooh was the perfect gift.
VERy cool pic! HHNT!
Damn. I hate my work monitor. I can't see a freakin' thing except for dark. I'll have to wait till I get home.
:o( Its so dark I cant make it out. But, judgin from your comments, Nice Pic..lol
Cool pic! Happy HNT!
Cool pic. Happy HNT!
Deelish! Happy HNT.
Tea for two... do you do coffee too?
Happy HNT, love it!
Tea time!
Happy HNT
What a grOOvy pic. Love it!
tea, cake and nekkidness, lovely :)
happy hnt!
I wish my man would greet me this way in the morning. *grin*
Happy HNT!
Great shot! Happy HNT.
I love tea!!!!
Happy HNT!
Cool hnt!
NICE! Happy HNT!
Very nice, I'd like some tea too, please.
Happy HNT!
furzl, I have to agree with lecram, nice and artsy..gees two cups, wonder who the other one is for..some beautiful woman I bet.
Happy HNT!
Great pic HHNT
Excellent as always Furzl.
I bet that sight makes Wenchy a very happy wifey :)
Puts a different spin on tea service.
furzl rocks furzl rocks... chant it with me now.
Happy Hnt!
the idiot
Nice er, um . . cookies, yea cookies. That's it.
Happy HNT!
LOL Very cool!
Strong black tea.
"why leave scares me" - I know what you mean. I also have the opposite worry - that they'll find someone to do it better than I can.
breakfast in bed? how lovely! happy hnt.
great pic. Some tea sounds good on this snowy day! :-)
i now have an overwhelming desire for some hot tea.... :-) happy late hnt!
tea for two and two for tea..
HAHAHAHAH! Er, no thanks, I'll just have bottled water. HA! Atleast your not doing the hot day / tray trick... eeps! And Furzl, work on your guitar AND PhotoShop skills, maybe you and I can write a jingle/.gif animation for HNT! Woohoo! See you brother, have a great weekend!
I meant hot DOG / tray trick (ala, Bachelor Party the movie)
reflective tea, how lovely!
Cheers and happy HNT!
Thanks for the HNT welcome.
Cool picture. Very creative.
cool... It is so dark...
Great shot, and thanks for not baring the naughty bits.
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