Nekkid with John ......... HNT Time
John Irving that is. I am reading his latest book, "Until I find you." Give me I comfy spot and a good read. Bliss. Happy HNT folk.
My wife Wenchy took the pic
To find out why I do this click the image below.
John Irving that is. I am reading his latest book, "Until I find you." Give me I comfy spot and a good read. Bliss. Happy HNT folk.
To find out why I do this click the image below.
Posted by
Just Brian
Thursday, December 15, 2005
... ahhh I am a gift I tell ya. :o)
Happy HNT Furzl and hope you continue enjoying da book.
That's cool :) Happy HNT
Love that :)
Is it a good one? A Prayer for Owen Meany is one of my favorites.
I was looking for John when I saw the headline. It helps to read the directions, doesn't it? :)
Nice shot there! Cheers and happy HNT!
LOL, the sleepy furzl. Good picture taking.
Great pic...and cool headboard on your bed.
Ray Ray.. that was funny. :)
did you pose or you didn't know when the shot's taken? wenchy is a great photographer! :)
happy hnt, furzl!
I read a book once. I think it was brown. It put me to sleep too.
Happy HNT matey.. nice shot btw.. Wenchy is a natural.
That could be a sculpture. I like it. Happy HNT!
I love reading in bed!
Happy HNT.
What a great picture! I love reading in bed too. Happy HNT!
sleepy head...
i wish i was still in bed..its far to early to be up now...
nothing like a good book, you're right. Happy HNT!
Reading in of my favorite things to do (honestly).
You look so comfy in black & white.
Happy HNT.
That looks cosy...I love reading in bed too! HHNT!
awwww thats one way I like my men.,,the other way is AT WORK,,,,eheheheh Happy HNT...
Wenchy did a great job with that shot...people reading is such a sexy thing :)
Looking forward to reading that myself, but I too find A Prayer For Owen Meany as my all time favourite Irving title. Happy HNT! Don't stay up too late reading.
She did a fantastic job. Very nice! HHNT!
Looks like a good way to spend a snowy day. :) Happy HNT.
I love it! A very intimate feeling to it.
aw, sleepy Furzl
you soooo cute!
Happy HNT
A man with a brain! :)
What a great way to be nekkid,I wish I had more time to read...I devote all the extra time to nekkid!!! HHNT
I wish I would have learned to read.
Happy HNT!
Wonderful pic. I love snuggling in bed with a good book.
Happy HNT!
you look so comfortable :) happy HNT !
i agree with wenchy. shes a gift :)
great pic, you! :)
Happy HNT!
Ahh, nothing quite as perfect as a cozy spot and a good book. Add a sunbeam and I am in bliss!
Happy HNT:D
Getting comfy and reading a good book is the best thing ever.
Happy HNT!
Mmmm - books - very sexy, a literate man!
Happy HNT!
Very peaceful. I haven't been able to read John Irving since Hollywood desecrated a Prayer for Owen Meany.
Thanks for stopping by!
Reading in bed is my favorite pastime. What genre is John Irving? Great pic Furzl. HHNT
Great pic!
Happy HNT
Awwwwwwww Such a great picture and I love your headboard too.
Happy HNT and enjoy the book!
Good book. Cool Pic...HHNT man!
great picture, i love black and white :)
happy hnt!
Wakey wakey!!!!!
Happy HNT!
I hope it is a good book. Happy HNT!
I LOVE IT! so cute! that's where i wish i was right a warm bed!
love the bed frame fyi
LOVE that pic! Nice job, Wenchy!
Wow, you do look comfy. Nice pic.
Awesome pic!
Happy HNT!
I love reading in bed.
Happy HNT!
Hey! Thanks for the nice welcome! I appreciate you taking the time to drop by and leave me a comment :)
Great picture you have here...the black and white effect is very nice!
Happy HNT Furzl, great photo and you look like you are actually READING the
great, make that Fantastic photographer.:)
cute picture! you look so peaceful. Happy HNT!
Happy reading & Merry HNT!! =)
One of my favorite things to do. Read in bed! Great post.
Such a relaxed and peaceful pic. Nice. Happy HNT to you!
Great picture!! I love that the two of you HNT together!!
1) Your wife is fabulous.
2) How are you like the book? I'm just starting it again.
3) HHNT.
awww, you look so comfy! Happy HNT!
Oh, you look so cozy and warm in that bed! I love it. Happy HNT!
heh -- you look so comfy!
happy hnt!
how lucky to be with wenchy you two must have great conversations
That's the best way to enjoy a book. Happy HNT!
Awesome photographer and subject... ;)
That bed looks nice and warm and comfy...
Happy belated HNT
what a wonderful wife you have. i love that pic, makes me want to read you a story.
Great picture. Your wife did a great job. I like the b/w.
This is a great snapshot. You and Wenchy are very creative.
Happy HNT.
Happy HNT!
Thanks for stopping by! Very creative HNT!
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