29 December, 2005

Thursday rocks........ and two pics to boot.

This week I got clever and checked in with the mother ship to see if there may be some special instructions before I posted. I don't want to screw it up two weeks running.

That said my favourite HNT pic is the one above. I liked it so much I decided to use it as part of my blog header. The reasons it's my favourite are :

1. It was my virgin HNT post (they say you always remember your first.)

2. It features me doing one of my favourite things (Insert bad taste other favourite activities with my hands wise crack here).

3. I think it's the best pic I ever took of myself (thank goodness for tripods and time delay cameras).

Bonus installment can be found below. Yes I was reading again.

If you are still wondering what this is about,
please click the
Half-Nekkid Thursday image below


22 December, 2005

Nigerian Wisdom.................. and HNT

I will start with a Nigerian proverb of wisdom.
Hold a true friend with both your hands.
You can interpret that as you wish

Happy HNT folks.

My wife Wenchy took the pic

To find out why I do this click the image below


15 December, 2005

Nekkid with John ......... HNT Time

John Irving that is. I am reading his latest book, "Until I find you." Give me I comfy spot and a good read. Bliss. Happy HNT folk.

My wife Wenchy took the pic

To find out why I do this click the image below


12 December, 2005

How on earth did we live without the internet?

This weekend's broadband failure made me realise just how much of life is online these days.

I feel perhaps a little sad that our children may never have the experience of placing a large clunky encylopedia on the library table, and flipping it open to research an assignment. The scent of the paper and students who went before.

Nostalgia is something else.

08 December, 2005

You will always find me in the kitchen a parties.....Reflective HNT

I realised the kitchen has a lot of reflective surfaces offering a number of HNT possibilities. Depending which way I stand I could expose different nekkid bits on different surfaces. Anyway nuff said, "Tea is served"

To find out why I do this click the image below


07 December, 2005

My job and why leave scares me.

A short and sweet post. I got asked why I don't take extended periods of leave. I have trust issues.

I will draw upon the wisdom of Beethoven for this.

Ludwig van Beethoven: [completely deaf, he is watching musicians perform his "Kreutzer" violin sonata], " I can't hear them, but I know that they are making a hash of it. "

05 December, 2005

Technology at play.

Welcome to my first post from my cell phone. Impractical but I want to see if it works.

01 December, 2005

HNT. The navel that is.... or the piercing that was

Happy HNT folk.

My wife Wenchy took the pic

To find out why I do this click the image below
