Bits and bobs
First off , for my faithful readership of three , I just wanna shout out about a new read of mine.The Patriot. I would encourage you to go take a look and perhaps even comment. It is a brand new blog and will form part of a research project. I humbly ask that you spread the word please. :)
It seems I am way short of blog fodder these days. I wanted to create a post that was filled with astute wisdom, stunning wit and inspiring reading. However you will have to settle for the mindless ramblings of a mad man.
On Love, I thought after the last two years of my life I may be the ultimate love cynic. Turns out I still believe in love. Maybe not quite as I did before, but it can still leave one breathless and enchanted.
On Life, The salt mine has been keeping me exceedingly busy. I am not complaning though. I do love my job. What more can one ask for.
I cannot believe my eldest turned 14 yesterday. Happy birthday Kevin. I love you my boy. (even if you dont like having you picture taken)You are a far cry from the four year old tyrant who murdered the garden because the plants were evil;-). I am proud of you.
In a follow on to my last post about riding a new young stallion for the first time, Ruark is an amazing horse to ride. One day I hope he stops trying to kill me :) I have learnt just how a horse can in fact buck and rear. He keeps me in a transitional relationship with my saddle. In laymans terms it means he has me trolling for paramedics. More simply put he has made me bite the dirt, following an airborne equitation display. Basically I fell off at the gallop. It hurt.
In other news, I have taken up playing the piano again, as well as the guitar. I predict my relationship with my neighbours may sour as a result. (except for the old dearie on the first floor, being hard of hearing and all). I like her , she thinks I am HOT. Of course she is around 86 in the shade and her sight is probably failing ;).
Best I get some work done.
You all take care now.
Ahh... Glad you updated the old blog :D
can't believe kevin is 14 already !!! last time i saw him, he was 6 or 7..
About love, glad you saw the light. It isn't all doom and gloom i assure you..
Like the Blog!!! Very nice... Glad to hear the wise ol Brian. With all his wit and charm! Jeepers How OLD are we your kid already 14. I remember when we were 14, OUCH!
YAY! An update!
I cannot believe Kevin is 14 already! Wow!
I am sure you and Ruark will learn to understand eachother sometime... clearly, you will need to use more 'eat sum more' bribery too ;-)
PS... I agree with the old dearie on the first floor ;-)
Does this mean we are going to get more entries, expanding on love, life, the universe and everything?
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