20 April, 2007

Oh My Consus - Where did you all come from?

Welcome. Just for the record Consus is according to some mythology the God of Horses. Horses don't buy into blasphemy. When they say, "Oh My Consus" it is really an acknowledgement of an awesome four legged creature. If in doubt ask a horse :-)

Hopefully there are more celebrants than mourners here. I will warn you this post may be dis-jointed at best, and completely non-sensical at worst.

Furzl was good for for the time in which he lived. Furzl was too much part of a Duo that is no more. He will always be a part of me so I wont remove every reference to him.

I opted to be Just Brian since its the one person I can always be sure of being. Hmmmmm, I think I am a potential candidate for treatment for Multiple Personality Disorder. lol.

Credit for Captain-Equestria goes to M. Thank You. Captain Equestria plays right up to the little boy inside me who wants to race around having adventures on a horse. Who knew I would grow up to want to play a cowboy? It's not a mid-life crisis, I promise.

I found time spent with horses to be very therapeutic. Even the ones that dump me on the ground, offer their own comfort. I have kept a journal documenting my time spent on horseback. Perhaps I will place some of that journal here sometime. I have not done so to now because it is kind of personal and deals with some of the demons inside.

Horses offer great therapy. They are very forgiving, make few demands and some will tell you when you full of sh!t. I dont think I have been the best company always for the last several months, but my battery of therapists don't seem to care. Star, Casper, Midnight, Klein Tequila, Buck and my boy Britannica (My Adventure Horse - The Horse I gallop in my dreams). Thanks guys and gal (Midnight is the gal in the crowd).

Here's to new and good things


Anonymous said...

Good Stuff!
Congrats on the 'fresh start'. I hope it is the beginning of many adventures for you.

For the record, you are so much more than 'just' Brian to me ;-)

Anonymous said...

I'm making myself comfie. This is going to be an interesting journey. I hope it's okay if I walk. ;-)

Anonymous said...

no mourners here, we are all celebrating your new start.

just remember, you are not alone. We will be here. Always