Moving and meeting the neigbhours..............
Well it's been a few weeks now since I moved into my new place (flat or apartment depending where in the world you are from). Befriended my first Neighboour, or rather was adopted as a pet by Frank. Frank has the blue'est eyes I have ever seen on a cat. He declined to show them off for a photograph and who am I to argue. Here he is on my car. Sorry it's blurred but you get the idea.Moving has taken some adjusment. I miss the ambient noise of the kids at night. Their sleepy little snuffles, mumbles snores and sometimes laughter in their sleep.
I do find I am struggling to find some kind of rythym when it comes to the domestic side of things. Still I figure if my bed is made and the dishes are done before I head out for the day I am doing alright.
The highlight for me since moving was having the kids over for the weekend. I was relieved to see them settle in an sleep well in a new environment. It was great to spend the time with them. We spent a lot of time playing cards. Who knew I could be an old maid so many times? :). I have opted not to have a television since there is nothing about a television that holds any lasting fascination for me. I was astounded to learn kids can fight over who is listening to what radio station though.
I have named their room the dormitory since they all sleep in straight line. There is something reminiscent for me about the story of the three bears here.
Notably Victoria has taken a liking to Frank, in a I enjoy the adrenalin rush when you come near me because I am scared of you kind of way. She often enquires after the health of Frank on the phone.
Anyway thats me in a nutshell for now.
Glad to see you have settled down.
Your dishes are washed and your bed is made before you head off. Hell, you are two up on me and I don't even head off anywhere.
We dont make the bed, and my boy does the dishes :D
Good to see you settling in nicely. Frank is gorgeous!
I think in time you will settle into a routine that works for you... for now, I think you sound like you are coping beautifully.
Lovely apartment and you have such taste with your decor...for a man - this is brilliant. Love the 3 beds in a row and well done for the 'no television'...a radio is brilliant! Love the cat....way to go Brian!
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