24 November, 2005

Nekkid by the pool ...relaxing ...... contemplating HNT......bliss.

Happy HNT folks. Have a good one all.

My wife Wenchy took the pic

To find out why I do this click the image below



Wenchy said...

/me takes a bow.

I am a gift. :o)

Happy Thanksgiving Furzl.

Tammy said...

Very, very nice.

Happy HNT!

Scarlet Traces said...

thats a fab picture! i love the cigar :)
happy hnt!

Shauna said...

That's a really great pic. She's got a good eye.

Anonymous said...

Oh, very groovy! Happy Half-Nekkid Thanksgiving!

CheekyMoo said...

Nice photo. Happy HNT. :-)

Aisha T. said...

Pretty cool!

Tish said...

Very nice! Happy HNT!

Butterfly said...

Great pic!

Happy HNT!

Tess said...

That is a great shot.

Happy HNT

Lee Ann said...

Such a nice pic! Happy HNT!

Schadeboy said...

Relaxing by the pool sounds great...except it is now like, totally cold here in my little neck of the woods.

Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

You guys are getting extremely good with the camera :)

Blondie... said...

Great pic!! Happy HNT & Thanksgiving!

Grimstarr said...

Nice! HHNThanksgiving

Jody said...

happy hnt

Anonymous said...

Great pic,

Happy HNT!

madgirl said...

wenchys my kinda girl :)

C.J Hixon said...

I do enjoy a cigar, but never tried it in the buff!

I'm clearly not living life to the fullest!

Happy HNT!!

Rose-Colored Beer Goggles said...

Love cigar aroma! Cheers & Happy HNTurkey Day :o)

Benjamin said...

a good scene (my northeastern lifestyle wouldn't permit), and a great set-up. I really like the shot. Happy HNT!

Mark Leslie said...

Interesting shot (and welcome to your new home - I've had the occasional trouble visiting your old site) Happy HNT!

Lelly said...

...and a very nice pic it is too! 'Nekkid by the pool...'? Brrrrr! Obviously must be warm where you are...I'm jealous!(I'm not snuggled under the duvet for nothing in my pic! :-)

Randi said...

what is it about a black and white that is so classy? Happy HNThanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

by the pool...it's 21degreeF here with snow and blowing wind.
Love the black&white pic, hey that wenchy is quite a photographer.

Thanks for stopping by, oh yeah, the definition is from lifting cans of cold beer.ha ha

Anonymous said...

So if you're by the pool it must be summer!!!! I'm envious! HHNT!

S said...

Happy Thanksgiving HNT! Nice shot, Wenchy!

CyberWarlock said...

Great pic! I really like that one. :) Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Unique HNT...I must get more unique.

Happy HNT and Thanksgiving!

A Bronx Tale said...

what type cigar you got going on there.


BTExpress said...

If I didn't know that was a pic of a guy, I'd compliment you on the nice looking leg. But since I do, I'm going to say, "Go put on your pants, I don't want to see half-nekkind men."


Robin Alexa said...

Excellent!!!!!!!!! Woo hoo Wenchy.

Robyn said...

Thats an awesome pic. Happy HNT and Gobble Gobble!

Muse said...

Love it, its OUTSIDE!! Happy HNT and Thanksgiving!

Bsoholic said...

Very nice pic!

Happy HNT!

clara* said...

nice! very relaxing.......now i want a cigar.

JuicyA said...

happy hnt! have a good one!

Deadly Female said...

You look so relaxed and chilled out....

Redneck Diva said...

Cool! Or at least, if I were out by my pool today I'd be cool - or downright COLD!!

Happy HNThanksgiving!

honkeie said...

Happy HNT, i love a good cigar lol! And thanks for stopping by my home. Have a good T day!

Anonymous said...


natty68 said...

Thats a great picture :-)

Happy HNT :-)

HS said...

great pic! Happy HNT! and Happy Thanksgiving!

WDKY said...

Great shot!


Scott & Julia said...

Wenchy takes great pictures! And thanks for changing your site, now I can see the pics right away. And I definitely don't want to miss any of them ;)

Happy HNT!

Samantha Alice said...

What else are pools for? Nice!

MamaKBear said...

Great pic!
Happy HNT!

aughra said...

nice. I want a cigarette now!

Michelle said...

Mmm, naked in the great outdoors.

Happy Thanksgiving HNT!

Jayne said...

Great picture! You 2 are so lovely and positive. Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

what a life, you too...three cheers!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for finding my guestbook, and the nice compliment, Furzl. I don't get commenting features on dland, so I can't put one up, but the guestbook works fairly well for general use. I love your pic, by the way! Nice gams.
-Pummela, from diaryland

Clarity25 said...

That's a great photograph with an alluring composition! Happy HNT!

Anonymous said...

Your HNT pictures are always an inspiration for me, as well as Wenchy's.
I hope you've had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Happy HNT.

MightyLambchop said...

Great picture!

BUMBLE!!! said...

Happy belated HNT and Happy THanksgiving weekend to the both of you!

Anonymous said...

My credit to the photographer and the subject! Happy Belated HNT!

Unknown said...

great pics furlz & wenchy! ;)