04 October, 2005

I did it 12 times in 12 months …….

but  I did it 5 times in the last month month. WOW . things are looking up.

Hey watch where your mind is going; I did twelve blog entries in 12 months 5 of those in the last month.


*tips hat to mrs. diamond who has nudged me to remind me I need to keep my visitors entertained.


The principle reason I don’t write that many blogs is because it scares me. I can sit on a blog for days before I publish it. I find it scary to put my life out in cyberspace. When I eventually do I find it very therapeutic.


For me there is almost a thrill in facing my fear and putting it out there. My heart races every time I do. Some self diagnosis points me towards : Counterphobia - Counterphobia refers to deliberately seeking out and exposing oneself to the situation one has fear for.

Ghandi said we should learn a new word everyday, so go read the Counterphobia bit again. ;-)


So in conclusion I have two questions ,


For the blogger folk I ask do you feel anxious when you put your life out there?


For those who don’t blog, would you blog if you are in a position to and why would you,  and if not why not, ?

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