07 June, 2005

Awkwardly in love

Gasp! another update already. Will this madness ever end?

Have you ever heard the term Awkward in love?

In my mind it spoke of a teenager falling in love, lust or even just taking a stab at dating.  Not sure how to act, what to say. should I call maybe I should wait type stuff.

Recently I was privy to an older couple divorced years ago, alone in a room. I would expect a cordial politeness between them or maybe some anger and bitterness. What I saw were two people truly awkward in love. Years have gone by. Regret in their eyes. Both moved on with life and into other relationships. Both had chosen someone else to spend life with. A point of nor return. I had the impression a lot went unsaid that night and had to remain that way. 

I believe they both found love elsewhere and yet, sometimes love's letting go is a mistake I think.

I felt somehow saddened to see it, and also humble and grateful to God for the wife I have and will not let go of.